Has Your Life Been Touched by Breast Cancer? Then This Book is For You.

“But, I don’t want to have breast cancer!”

I know. This wasn’t part of the vision you had for your life…

It wasn’t an item that you wrote on your To-Do list so you wouldn’t forget.

No. getting diagnosed with breast cancer was definitely NOT on the agenda.

And yet here you are.

You’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer.

So now what?

  • Are you trying to figure out how you’re going to get through it?
  • Has it been hard to even accept that you’ve got breast cancer?
  • Are the heavy-duty treatments you’re receiving dragging you down and making you wonder if you’re ever going to feel normal and good again?

Maybe you’re secretly hoping that the next time you go in for an appointment your doctor will say, “I’ve got great news! It was all a mistake. You can go home and you don’t need any more treatments or surgeries.”

And even though you know that’s probably not going to happen, you’re still wishing that you could put this all behind you…

You wish you could just go back to your life the way it was before you got The Diagnosis and your whole world was turned upside-down.

And whether you’re just about to start treatments, or you’ve already begun them, you find yourself bombarded with thoughts like:

  • Am I going to die?
  • Why me?
  • How am I going to get through this?
  • What will happen if I lose my hair?
  • Who should I tell about my cancer and what should I say to them?
  • How am I going to find time to deal with this breast cancer with all the appointments and treatments I have to do?
  • Will the treatments make me sick?
  • Am I ever going to feel normal or good again?
  • How are my kids and grandkids going to be affected?

Even though these tough questions don’t have easy answers, they’re the same types of questions that other women with breast cancer are asking themselves.

So if you’ve been worrying that maybe you’re the only one thinking things like this, take a deep breath right now with the important recognition that you’re not alone.

Go ahead. No one’s watching…deep breath.

There. That felt good didn’t it? 😀

Now, here’s something important you should know:

Even though having breast cancer wasn’t part of your life plan, you can still live a full, vibrant, and amazing life full of happiness, spirituality, and dignity.

Don’t worry. I’m not talking about ungrounded, Pollyanna type thinking that feels fake and inauthentic.

I’m talking about genuine connection with yourself and The Divine that can support and carry you through even the darkest and most physically painful times.

If you’re kind of rolling your eyes a little bit, it’s okay.

Before I went through breast cancer myself, I had heard of women who said that breast cancer was the “best thing that ever happened to them.”

I’d heard of women who said that it changed their lives – and that even if they could wave a magic wand over their lives, they wouldn’t go back and make it so they didn’t get cancer in the first place.

And here’s what I thought when I heard stories like that…

“No way! Cancer is awful and it couldn’t possibly be something that a woman would be grateful for. These women are crazy.”

Have you been thinking things like that?

Well, after being a breast cancer survivor for well over a decade, and finding my way through my own diagnosis and the treatments that followed, I can recognize the wisdom in what those “crazy women” were saying.

Breast cancer isn’t fun.

And it wasn’t something that I asked for.

But it did serve as a catalyst – as a wake up call – for finding a deeper appreciation for life, and a deeper connection with the Divine that has stayed with me after all these years.

By keeping a hand-written journal as I went through my entire journey with breast cancer, and using it as the basis for my book Bright Side of the Road, I’ve been able to help so many women, women just like you, who wanted to find a deeper meaning in their experience with breast cancer.

(Order here, or please continue reading…)

The true heart of this book is Anne Marie’s honesty and openness.  Nothing is held back.  Women at all stages of their journey with breast cancer will benefit from her candid telling of her own story of healing. I’m already planning on using the book in my upcoming support group to help the women go on their own spiritual journey with breast cancer.

— Fran Booth, Social Worker, Therapist & Meditation Teacher, The Healing Garden, Harvard Massachusetts

This book is captivating and engaging.  Anne Marie has a tone and style that supports, inspires, and educates.

— Sudha Carolyn Lundeen, Breast Cancer Survivor & Registered Nurse

Anne Marie’s “Bright Side” experience isn’t about skipping through trials without pain or being ignorant of what’s right in front of her. No whistling in the dark, pretending not to be afraid when she actually is. The things I love most about the book are the honesty and openness that she expresses as she shares her story. This book is REAL – which is my highest praise.

— Karen Caterson

I Feel Truly Blessed…

…  to be making this book available to you. I put my heart and soul into it, and even now that I’m many years cancer-free, I find inspiration and courage for myself whenever I re-read it.

It fills my heart with joy knowing that you’re about to hold this book in your hands because I believe it will help to alleviate the feeling of aloneness and uncertainty you may be experiencing on your own breast cancer journey.

Reading Bright Side of the Road was like being inside the mind and body of every one of my breast cancer patients. I finally understand what the experience is like from the patient’s point of view.

— Dr. Stephen Karp, Breast Cancer Surgeon, Lahey Clinic, Burlington Massachusetts

If this book seems like it’s going to give you the kind of support, affirmation, and deeper connection to yourself (and Spirit) that you’re looking for, I welcome you into the story of my life – because that’s where you’re going to find yourself also.

Purchase here on Amazon.

With respect and wishes for peace and health,
Anne Marie


Anne Marie Bennett

Click here to read more testimonials
praising Bright Side of the Road…

Click here for 7 Suggestions for Bright Side Living

Click here for Group Discussion Questions

Click here for A Conversation with
Cancer Survivor Anne Marie Bennett

Click here for the BONUS: Guided Imagery Recording

Click here for the Bright Side of the Road
Blog Tour Interviews



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